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Committee Meeting Procedures
Committee Meeting Procedures
Students must remind their committee of their upcoming meeting a month ahead of time. All committee meetings are set up through the Sharepoint system (link requires logging in to OneDrive with UTORid). Seven calendar days prior to the committee meeting, the student must upload their 4 page report in Sharepoint and send it out to the committee, along with their previous evaluation and meeting details.
At all committee meetings:
Prior to the start of the meeting, the committee will meet briefly without the student and then the student will meet briefly with the committee without the supervisor.
The student must give a 20-minute presentation (not including interruptions) on their experimental progress. This presentation starts with a brief synopsis of the project background, main goals, and key previous findings. The students can expect to be interrupted with questions during the presentation.
There should be at least 15 minutes of questions on general background knowledge relevant to the project. These background questions do not all have to be asked at the same time, but the committee should ensure that this amount of background questioning occurs during the committee meeting.
The student is asked to leave the room at the end of the meeting. Committee members then candidly discuss their overall impression of the student’s progress. The student is invited back into the room for discussion and feedback, to provide recommendations, and to review any concerns regarding the project and/or the student.
A Supervisory Committee Evaluation Report is filled in and marks are assigned for various aspects of the student’s performance in the program. The student and all supervisory committee members must sign the form.
The total time for a committee meeting, including the oral presentation that is interrupted by questions, and the period of student evaluation and feedback, should not exceed 2 hours.