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The M.H.Sc. in Medical Genomics requires students to sequentially complete the following courses in five consecutive terms. Students are expected to graduate after completing the fifth term.
Fall (Sept-Dec) |
Winter (Jan-Apr) |
Summer (Apr-Aug) |
MMG3001Y: Advanced Human Genetics |
MMG3001Y: Advanced Human Genetics |
MMG3003Y: Genomic Methodologies |
MMG3002Y: Biological Statistics |
MMG3003Y: Genomic Methodologies |
MMG3201H MMG3202H MMG3203H |
Fall (Sept to Dec) |
Winter (Jan-Apr) |
MMG3004Y: Communicating Genetic Information
MMG3007Y: Clinical Practicum in Medical Genomics (Clinical stream) or MMG3008Y: Practicum in Modern Genomics (Lab stream) |
MMG3005Y: Ethical and Legal Implications of Genomics | |
As a professional Master’s program, we put an emphasis on helping our students acquire skills necessary to succeed in a professional environment, especially in a rapidly evolving field. We do this by collaborating with the University of Toronto’s Career Centre, Clubs and Leadership Development, as well as the Graduate Centre for Academic Communication. With the expertise of these centres, we offer workshops on relevant topics such as career planning and exploration, working in a collaborative environment, and entrepreneurship.
Year 1
MMG3001Y: Advanced Human Genetics
MMG 3001Y, Session 1 (Fall, year 1) and Session 2 (Winter, year 1); 78 hours / session, 2 credits
Course Content and Organization
This two-term course brings all students to a common knowledge base and introduces advanced concepts including, but not limited to:
· Major aspects of Mendelian inheritance and single-gene disorders
· Quantitative trait genetics
· Complex and polygenic disorders
· Epigenetics
· Pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine
· Cancer genetics
Students learn human genetics from the perspective of phenotype / clinical presentation toward genotype in addition to a focus on molecular genetics and underlying mechanisms of human disease. Class time includes working through clinical and diagnostic case studies, and students will have ample opportunities to engage with world leaders in research and clinical work in each of the major topic nodes. MMG 3001Y will include an assessment of both individual and group work. This fundamental course provides a knowledge framework for the entire program and introduces key concepts that will be examined in detail in subsequent courses.
Students in Advanced Human Genetics will contribute some of their assigned writing pieces to the course blog, which can be found at The MedGen Project.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, students will be able to
Read and interpret academic and medical genetics literature, and explain that interpretation in both writing and orally
Effectively and concisely describe your own performance and your experience of coursework in writing via basic metacognition exercises
Describe in writing and orally the molecular and genetic mechanisms of fundamental aspects of human disease
Formally, this course has no prerequisites, although the content assumes that incoming students have a basic understanding of molecular biology and undergraduate genetics.
Dr. Erin Styles, Dr. Kinjal Desai
MMG3002Y: Biological Statistics
MMG 3002Y, Session 1 (Fall, year 1), 78 hours, one credit
Course Content and Organization
The ability to effectively analyze genomic data requires a strong foundation in both bioinformatics and statistics. This course begins with an introduction to major computer programing concepts using the R coding language and the UNIX shell. Students are taught statistical theory and perform statistical tests using R to analyze biological datasets. This course focuses on practical knowledge, with interspersed discussions of how genomics integrates into the larger fields of statistics, computer science and applied math.
Students are required to bring a computer to class a Wi-Fi internet connection to participate in the labs for tutorials and labs.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1) Use the UNIX shell (command line) and associated concepts and tools.
2) Understand major computer programming concepts.
3) Select and perform appropriate statistical analyses on biological datasets in R.
Instructors and Coordinator
Drs. Gary Bader, Philipp Kim, Hannes Röst, Lincoln Stein, Johanna Carroll
MMG3003Y: Genomic Methodologies
MMG 3003Y, Session 2 (Winter, year 1) and Session 3 (Summer, year 1) 2x78 hours, two credits
Course Content and Organization
This course teaches the theory and practice of molecular biology relevant to genetic and genomic testing. This two-session course will cover classic, modern and emerging genetic methods. The course focuses on computational techniques to analyze genomic data. Students who complete this course will understand the scientific principles underlying genomic tests, be able to examine the limitations and applications of current tests, and have the necessary background to understand new assays.
Students are required to bring a computer to class with a Wi-Fi internet connection to participate in tutorials and computational labs. The course does not include a wet-lab component.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
Effectively and concisely describe the individual aspects of both classical and next-generation genomics methodologies, with attention to concept, applications, prospects and limitations, and risks inherent within each method
Select appropriate methodologies to address case study and exercise problems, and describe in writing and orally the logic behind selecting particular methods
Perform various fundamental bioinformatics tasks using command-line coding, the R coding language, and several additional free software tools.
Select appropriate methodologies to address a scientific question (clinical or research).
Analyze sequencing data and link a sequence variant to a particular disease
Read and interpret academic and medical genetics literature, and explain that interpretation in both writing and orally.
Drs. Johanna Carroll and Martina Steiner
MMG3201H: Medical Genomics Graduate Professional Development
MMG3201H, continuous, 0.25 credits
This course is required learning unless you are able to demonstrate excellence in this area
Course Content and Organization
This graduate professional development module is an integral component of the MMG 3006Y umbrella course. It’s organized as a continuous series of workshops and events that span the duration of the program, geared towards helping each student navigate their professional future in the field of Medical Genomics, including but not limited to:
· The generation of an Individual Development Plan (IDP)
· Resume/CV building and optimizing
· Constructing a personal narrative and the importance of storytelling in the job interview process
· Value propositions
This module is comprised of a combination of lecture, discussion, and project-based learning, and will include primarily the assessment of individual work.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Refer to a fully-formed and realized IDP to organize their movement from the academic world at the University of Toronto towards a professional role
2. Participate in informational and behavioural/fit interviews confidently, with a clear narrative around their own skills, competencies, and values
3. Generate and rework their resumes/CVs and cover letters in an organization/position-dependent manner
Sun Ooi and Zoya Retiwalla
MMG3202H: Next-Generation Sequencing – Data Generation Laboratory
MMG3202H, Spring in Year 1, 0.25 credits
This course is required learning unless you are able to demonstrate excellence in this area
This course aims to generate next-generation sequencing data.
In partnership with Illumina, we will perform WGS on trios to demonstrate the full complexity of the human genome.
Students will learn how to do wet-lab work for whole-genome sequencing.
Learning Outcomes
After the course, the students will be able to:
Consider ethical aspects around planning an experiment involving human subjects.
Adhere to laboratory safety practices.
Prepare libraries for next-generation sequencing
Perform quality control on DNA samples and libraries
Determine the quality of the whole genome sequencing experiments
Learn laboratory best practices on working with genomic DNA.
Learn the power and limitation of current whole-genome sequencing technology
MMG3203H: Next-Generation Sequencing – Data Analysis and Interpretation
MMG3203H, Summer in Year 1, 0.25 credits
This course is required learning unless you are able to demonstrate excellence in this area
This course aims to analyze next-generation sequencing data.
In partnership with Illumina, we will analyze WGS data to demonstrate the full complexity of the human genome.
Students will learn how to use whole-genome sequencing technology to identify disease-causing mutations in complex human disorders.
Learning Outcomes
After the course, the students will be able to:
Process the sequencing data to obtain genetic variant calls
Find out the ethnicity and family relationship of the subjects involved
Use available bioinformatics tools to facilitate interpretation of function and effects of the variants
Confirm the accuracy of the variant calls from the reads and alignments
Identify potential disease-relevant and pathogenic mutation(s)
Understand and be aware of secondary genetic findings
Learn the power and limitation of current whole-genome sequencing technology
Coordinator: Dr. Martina Steiner
Year 2
MMG3004Y: Communication of Genetic Information
MMG 3004Y, Session 4 (Fall, year 2), 78 hours, one credit
Course Content and Organization
This course teaches students the terminology and jargon relevant to genomic research to enable access to medical and scientific literature, and how to translate it for specific contexts and audiences. In addition, students are trained to effectively and bi-directionally translate clinical information into accessible language.
Concepts include but not limited to:
· Effective science communication
· Visual communication
· Writing of genetic test reports
· Direct-to-consumer genetic testing and communication
· Communication in a professional environment
· Journalism and entrepreneurship
Students will work on different individual and group assignments, creating pieces of writing tailored to a specific target audience, generating clinical test reports, and planning and recording a webinar.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Use written, oral and visual communication efficiently to target a specific audience
2. Compose a comprehensive and targeted genetic test report
3. Critically evaluate academic and non-academic writing and speaking
4. Effectively communicate the benefits and limitations of genetic testing and genomics
Sample Student Work
Webinars about a topic and for a target audience of the students’ choice:
Making, Modifying, and Improving Volcano Plot and Heatmap (grad students and anyone who wants to learn these skills)
Gene Editing (lay audience)
Direct-to-consumer genetic testing (lay audience)
Familial hypercholesterolemia (for physicians (GPs)
Methods for triplet repeat disorders (part 1 and part 2) (for students of genomics and genomics specialists)
Treating Genetic Disorders: Spinraza for Spinal Muscular Atrophy
MMG3005Y: Ethical and Legal Implications
MMG 3005Y, Session 4 (Fall, year 2); 78 hours, one credit
Course Content and Organization
This course explores the current ethical, legal and social landscape of human genetic analysis, focusing on the application of genome science to patient care. Students explore the manifold legal and ethical implications of genomic science, including but not limited to:
· The ethics of care
· Disclosure and privacy, obtaining patient consent, ethical implications and protocols for the use of patients in research studies, and emerging issues reporting of incidental findings
· Data protection
· Ethical and legal tensions in healthcare, with a focus on the communication of genetic findings in the paediatric setting, and for patients with religious beliefs or value systems that affect clinical care
· Health policy and legislature, and public health ethics
MMG 3005Y is comprised of a combination of lecture, student-directed seminar, and project-based learning and will include assessment of both individual and group work.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Read and interpret medical and governing agency policy documentation pertaining to genetic testing, and explain that interpretation in both writing and orally
2. Clearly articulate the mandatory steps involved in obtaining patient consent to genetic testing and including patients in clinical research studies
3. Describe current policies surrounding the reporting of incidental findings, and apply these policies to make concise decisions about how and what to report in in-class case studies
This course has no prerequisites.
Drs. Michael Szego and Dave Langlois
MMG3007/3008Y: Capstone Practicum
See details here
MMG3204H: Practical Applications of Genomic Analysis
MMG3204, Fall in Year 2, 0.25 credits
This course is an elective - you are welcome to choose between this course and MMG3205H to fulfil your fourth short course
Variant interpretation is at the core of clinical genome analysis. Assessing whether a variant is involved in a disease phenotype informs clinical decision-making. Genome analysts require a deep understanding of genetics and of genomic methods, of the available databases and literature resources. It takes practice to consolidate this information efficiently and effectively, and this experience comes from working through many cases, and from learning with experts in the field. This module offers opportunities to engage with industry experts on technical aspects of variant interpretation and learning from genome analysts who are experts in a range of disease areas.
Course structure
We invite experts from industry, clinical and research labs to demonstrate their products and their work-flow. Students will get insights into the thought-process of genome analysts, expand their knowledge of field-specific literature on variant interpretation, perform variant analysis at an advanced level, and will learn about new and emerging methods that can provide critical information for variant interpretation.
Learning Outcomes
Students will gain insights into up and coming technologies at the edge of current clinical practice. Furthermore, students will expand their variant interpretation skills by working through case studies for different diseases and with experts from various specialties.
After the course, the students will be able to:
- Access and apply appropriate resources for advanced variant interpretation
- Efficiently and effectively interpret variants in various disease areas at an advanced level
- Review the ACMG/AMP standards and guidelines for the interpretation of sequencing variants, including gene and classification specific papers from ClinGen
- Identify and handle challenges encountered in clinical variant interpretation
- Critically evaluate new and emerging methods for their suitability in variant interpretation
- Engage with company representatives to obtain meaningful information
MMG3205H: Research Topics in Medical Genomics
MMG3205H, Fall in Year 2, 0.25 credits
This course is an elective - you are welcome to choose between this course and MMG3204H to fulfill your fourth short course
Course Content and Organization
This module is a component of the MMG 3006Y umbrella course. It’s organized as a short course of lectures, discussion, and student-led seminars designed to be highly engaging, dynamic, and likely different each time it runs. This is where students can expect to be exposed to the bleeding edge of the field of genomic medicine and where they will position themselves at the vanguard of the field. They will learn about cutting-edge technologies that may or may not yet have reached the clinic directly from the experts researching, developing, and using them. This seminar class will provide a survey of topics and is rooted in a journal-club style of discursive learning. It will include primarily the assessment of individual work.