Assistant Professor

Johanna Carroll

Molecular Genetics

PhD, Director of the MHSc Medical Genomics program

Medical Sciences Building
1 King's College Circle, Room 7265, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5S 1A8
Research Interests
Professional development, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Johanna is the Director of the MHSc in Medical Genomics program and a teaching-stream professor in Molecular Genetics. She is passionate about teaching how genomic methods can be used to understand, diagnose and treat disease, and helping students explore and pursue their professional interests to find successful and fulfilling careers after graduation.

She teaches and coordinates courses in Biostatistics, Genomic Methodologies and Graduate Professional Development for the MHSc in Medical Genomics program. She is also the faculty coordinator for the capstone practicum through which students in the Medical Genomics program apply their skills in industry and academic placements.

Prior to arriving at UofT, Johanna was a postdoctoral fellow at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School. Johanna holds a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of California, Berkeley and a BA from Hamilton College.


  • MMG3002Y (Biostatistics)
  • MMG3003Y (Genomic Methodologies)
  • MMG3007Y (Clinical Practicum in Medical Genomics)
  • MMG3008Y (Practicum in Modern Genomics)
  • MMG3201H (Medical Genomics Graduate Professional Development)