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Student Supervision

The Thesis Supervisory Committee
Monitors a student's progress regularly during their graduate career
Counsels, advises and assists the student.
Acts to maintain equal standards of student supervision.
The supervisor and the supervisory committee identify when a student is not making adequate progress and document it on the Supervisory Committee Evaluation Report. In consultation with the student, they devise approaches to remedy the problem.
If it is in the best interest of a student and their project, the Department will consider allowing the student to be co-supervised by two professors after consultation with the Graduate Coordinator. The details of the relationship between the student and the two co-supervisors (where the student will work, whose lab meetings they will attend, what fraction of the stipend each supervisor is responsible for etc.) will vary on a case-by-case basis. The details of the relationship, however, should be agreed upon at the onset of the co-supervision. After consultation with the Graduate Coordinator, a co-supervision form laying out the details of the relationship must be approved by the Graduate Coordinator. Note that once a co-supervisor is appointed, there is no primary/secondary supervisor; each is considered equal mentors of and equally responsible for the student. If an existing supervisory committee member becomes a co-supervisor, a replacement for that supervisory committee member should be found as soon as possible and approved by the Graduate Coordinator.
If the co-supervised student and/or the co-supervisors are considering changing the co-supervision status, the Graduate Coordinator should be consulted before any changes are made. Any agreed-upon changes to the co-supervisory relationship should then be reported to the Graduate Program Administrator immediately via an email in which all relevant parties are carbon copied (cc'd). Otherwise, all parties will be held to their initial agreement should any disagreements arise in the future.