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Organizational Structure and Committees
Committee Members
Advisory Committee to the Chair
Timothy Hughes (Chair)
Julie Claycomb (Vice-Chair, Education & Operations)
Richard Collins ( Associate Chair & Workload Coordinator)
William Navarre (Associate Chair & Mentorship Coordinator)
Erin Styles (Associate Chair & Undergraduate Coordinator)
Lori Frappier (Associate Chair & Graduate Coordinator)
Sean Egan (Associate Chair & Associate Graduate Coordinator)
Martina Steiner (Coordinator, Careers, Communications & Alumni Relations)
Daniel Schramek (LTRI Rep)
Graduate Student Admissions Committee
- Ian Scott (Chair)
- Sagi Abelson
- Brenda Andrews
- Philip Awadalla
- Gary Bader
- Kieran Campbell
- Julie Claycomb
- Paul Delgado-Olguin
- Lori Frappier (ex officio)
- Jack Greenblatt
- Michael Wilson (ex officio)
- Timothy Hughes (ex officio)
- Hartland Jackson
- Bri Lavoie
- Laurence Pelletier
- Jüri Reimand
- Hannes Röst
- Fritz Roth
- Andrew Spence
- Andrew Wilde
- Michael Wilson (ex-officio)
- Ji-Young Youn
- Zhaolei Zhang
- Mei Zhen
Graduate Student Awards Committee
Faculty List
Graduate Student Curriculum Committee
- Lori Frappier (Chair)
- Sean Egan (Associate Grad Chair)
- James Dowling
- Tim Hughes
- Ian Scott
- Erin Styles
- GSA Presidents
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
- Rick Collins (Co-Chair)
- William Navarre (Co-Chair)
- Julie Brill
- Brigitte Lavoie
- Marc Meneghini
Academic Appeals Committee
A description of the appeals process can be found here.
- William Navarre (Chair)
- Brenda Andrews
- Sabine Cordes
- Xi Huang
- Daniel Zimmerman (student rep)
- Matthaeus Ware (student rep)