Welcome from the Chair!
A Warm Welcome From Dr. Tim Hughes
We invite you to explore our website and learn more about the Department of Molecular Genetics, which holds a leadership position in Canada and internationally as a premier venue for biomedical and life sciences research and education. We are an engaged and collaborative community that fosters exceptional innovation and discovery. Our faculty, fellows, and students are highly acclaimed for pioneering phenomenal advances in some of the most exciting areas of modern science with a profound impact on human health.
The Chair's Office
Vice-Chair, Education & Operations
Associate Chair & Workload Coordinator
Associate Chair & Mentorship Coordinator
Associate Chair and Undergraduate Coordinator
Associate Chair and Graduate Coordinator
Associate Chair and Associate Graduate Coordinator
Coordinator, Communications, Careers & Alumni Relations
LTRI Representative
Chair's Office & Academic Appointments Administrator (Interim)
View the complete list of committees and find out which faculty is in the departmental leadership, deal with undergrad or grad affairs, and more
Find out where our research is conducted!
Find out and look into our upcoming events and seminars
Institutional Strategic Initiatives
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