Emerging and Pandemic Infections Consortium


The Emerging and Pandemic Infections Consortium (EPIC) is a collaborative initiative co-established in 2021 by Dr. Scott Gray-Owen to promote and advance a network of infectious disease and pandemic prevention research, with a focus on emerging and pandemic-potential pathogens such as SARS-CoV-1 and -2, tuberculosis, influenza and HIV alongside developing therapeutics, PPE and vaccines. EPIC utilizes the Combined Containment Level 3 (C-CL3) lab located in the Medical Sciences Building, which facilitated research and containment of SARS-CoV-2 during the pandemic and other Biosafety Level 3 pathogens. 

EPIC will offer training such as postdoctoral fellowships, industrial internships, career transition awards for senior fellows and research associates and trainee travel/scientific exchange awards. 

Interested students/trainees can view participating faculty here and participating UofT divisions here

Here's a compilation of news stories surrounding EPIC:

Other news stories here