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Attention Students
In 2021, the department restructured the required curriculum for both M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. Students who entered the program in or before January 2019 must complete the Legacy Curriculum, while students who enter the program in or after September 2019 must complete the Core curriculum. Students who enter in Sept. 2021 onwards will need to complete the current curriculum. The Current Curriculum is intended to provide a strong foundation in Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics, and Computational Biology to all of our students during their first year of graduate study.
Current Curriculum
Students who enter in September 2021 onwards: The table shows the mandatory courses throughout your graduate degree. For detailed course descriptions, click course codes to read more.
MSc |
PhD |
MMG1001H: Foundational Genetics Approaches MMG1003H: First Year Colloquium MMG1004H: A Practical Course in Programming for Biologists* MMG1111H: Graduate Seminars I (MSc Seminars) MMG1112H: Graduate Seminars II (PhD Seminars) MMG1113H: MSc Presentation Skills MMG1114H: Graduate Student Presentation I RST9999: MSc Thesis |
All MSc Course Requirements except MSc Thesis MMG1111: Graduate Seminars I (MSc Seminars, year 3 and 4) MMG 1112H: Graduate Seminars II (PhD Seminars, year 3 and 4) 2 Topics Courses MMG1115: Graduate Student Presentation II RST 9999Y: PhD Thesis (along with reclassification or qualification exam) |
*not for CBMG track students. In this track, students take topic course MMG1344 (Foundational Computational Biology I) and MMG1345 (Foundational Computational Biology II)
Core Curriculum
Students who entered after September 2019 and before September 2021 complete the Core Curriculum.
MSc |
PhD |
MMG1001: Foundational Genetics Approaches I MMG1002: Foundational Genetics Approaches II MMG1011: Student Seminars I (Formerly MMG1015 Small Group Seminars) MMG1021: Student Seminars II (Formerly MMG1015 Topic Seminar) RST9999: Thesis |
All MSc Course Requirements except MSc Thesis MMG1031: Student Seminars III (Formerly MMG1017) MMG1041: Topics in Molecular Genetics II (Two PhD Topic Courses) RST9999: Thesis (Along with reclassification or qualification exam) |
Legacy Curriculum
Students who entered the program in or before January 2019 must complete the Legacy Curriculum.
MSc |
PhD |
MMG1010: Molecular Genetics Colloquium MMG1012: Topics in Molecular Genetics I MMG1015: Student Seminars |
All MSc Course Requirements MMG1016: Topics in Molecular Genetics II MMG1017: Topics in Molecular Genetics III |
Course Requirements For Reclassification/Qualification
To reclassify or qualify, a student in the Current Curriculum:
Must have completed and received an acceptable mark in MMG1001 and MMG1003 and MMG1004 (CBMG track students take MMG1344 and MMG1345 instead of MMG1004).
Must have attended the minimum number of seminars in MMG1111H, MMG1112H and be in the process of completing MMG1113H/MMG1114H.
No Topic Courses are required prior to qualification/reclassification.
To reclassify or qualify, a student in the Core curriculum:
Must have completed and received an acceptable mark in MMG1001 and MMG1002.
Must have completed and received an acceptable mark in MMG1011 and be in the process of completing MMG1021.
No Topic Courses are required prior to qualification/reclassification.