Associate Professor

Aaron Reinke

Molecular Genetics


MaRS West Tower
661 University Avenue, Room 1621A, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 1M1
Research Interests
Bioinformatics and computational biology, C. elegans, Drug discovery, design, development and screening, Epigenetics and epigenomics, Evolution and phylogenetics, Parasites, Immunology

Research in the Reinke lab focuses on exploring the evolution of host-pathogen interactions, primarily studying microsporidia, which are fungal-related intracellular pathogens with the smallest known eukaryotic genomes. We investigate these fascinating pathogens using the tractable animal host C. elegans, using an integrative approach of genetic, bioinformatic and biochemical techniques.

Courses taught 

  • MMG1228: Protozoan Pathogens
  • MGY311Y1: Molecular Biology


  • 2019 Sloan Research Fellowship in Computational & Evolutionary Molecular Biology