Assistant Professor

Madeline Hayes

Molecular Genetics - Scientist, Program in Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, Hospital for Sick Children


SickKids - Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning
Room 18.9712, 686 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 0A4
Research Interests
Cancer, Cell biology, CRISPR-Cas9 and genome engineering, Developmental biology, Disease models, Functional genomics and systems biology, Gene regulation and expression, Genome analysis and sequencing, Immunology, Imaging and microscopy, Metabolism, Rare diseases, Signalling, Single cell and spatial biology, Stem cell biology, Zebrafish

The Hayes Lab seeks to understand underlying mechanisms of pediatric cancers. We utilize zebrafish genetic models and xenograft transplantation approaches to assess genetic links and novel drug combinations in vivo, in an effort to inform future therapeutic opportunities for patients.

We are focused on defining high-risk phenotypes like metastases and relapse in neuroblastoma (one of the most common pediatric malignancies derived from cells of the peripheral nervous system) and rhabdomyosarcoma (a malignancy of the muscle). In collaboration with Dr Bret Pearson, we have also developed a glioblastoma-like brain tumor model to rapidly assess genes associated with cancer stem cells in vivo.

With the Terry Fox Foundation-supported PRecision Oncology for Young PeopLE (PROFYLE) consortium, we are transplanting human tumor cells into immune-deficient adult zebrafish to study tumor cell dynamics and screen for drugs that are likely to translate directly to patients.