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Assistant Professor
Yun Li
Molecular Genetics

SickKids - Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning
686 Bay Street, 17-9709, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 0A4
Research Interests
CRISPR-Cas9 and genome engineering, Developmental biology, Disease models, Drug discovery, design, development and screening, Genome analysis and sequencing, Neurodegeneration and neurodevelopment, Neuroscience, Rare diseases, Stem cell biology
The Li Lab is interested in understanding how the human brain forms, what makes it unique from that of other species, and how disorders like autism impact its development and function. We use pluripotent stem cells, genome editing, and 3-dimensional organoid technologies to study brain development in a dish.
- Medicine by Design Investigator
- Young Investigator Award recognitions from the Stem Cell Network, Brain Canada, Epilepsy Canada, Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, and Simons Foundation
- Development and Stem Cell Biology Program at The Hospital for Sick Children