Nov 8, 2021

Launching Of The UCheck Ambassador Program

MoGen in the News
By Soha Usmani

Recently in October, UofT launched the UCheck Ambassador Program as part of their UTogether initiative. Small teams of trained students visit the busiest areas on all three campuses and ask individuals entering buildings or other spaces if they completed the UCheck health screening and showcase its completion via screen or paper form.  The primary purpose is to remind those on campus to get a green status on UCheck before entering, encourage daily self-assessment and encourage support for staying at home even if one has mild symptoms. 

Among these ambassadors is one of our fourth-year MoGen undergraduate students, Layla Ahmed. She, alongside others, spoke with a UofT News reporter who was writing a piece on the UCheck ambassadors. It notes that Bahen Centre for Information Technology and Sidney Smith Hall are among the UCheck checkpoints. Additionally, it notes that self-screening is still necessary even in a highly-vaccinated community like UofT since even fully-vaccinated individuals carry a small risk of carrying and spreading the virus.  

You can read the full piece on UofT News.