Jun 25, 2024  |  12:30pm - 7:00pm

Career Development Alumni Symposium 2024

Our Career Development Alumni Symposium on June 25th is coming closer. REGISTER TODAY to secure your spot.

  • We have a line-up of over 20 mentors for conversations at roundtables. We will match you with your preferred mentors for three rounds of small group conversations. Represented careers include Business Developer, Computational Scientist, Consultant, Genetic Counsellor, Manager, Medical Writer, Product Development Scientist, Professor, Program Manager and Research Scientist. View the full line-up of mentors ​docx icon here.
  • Learn about different roles and sectors, jobs and careers by following four live "informational interviews" that we conduct on stage with these professionals.
    • Science and Business: Dr. Kali Iyer, Science and Strategy Consultant at sixsense strategy group.
    • Academic Research: Dr. Kathryn Rozen-Gagnon, Assistant Professor at the Department of Molecular Genetics
    • Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical and Health Industry: Dr. Michelle Harwood, Bioinformatics Scientist at Roche.
    • Science Communication and Education: Dr. Chris Go, Senior Medical Writer, Red nucleus.
  • In two short talks, you will hear from Dr. Nathan Schachter about a career in industry and from Dr. Amanda Veri about how to leverage your grad school skills.
  • We're offering career coaching at the symposium to help grad students with career goals, skills development, and more. Gain insights and tips for effective interviews, resume building, and professional advancement. Bring your IDP, resume, or CV for a brief individualized review, or come with your questions to talk to our Career Advisors.