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Colloquium Series: Dr. Mark Kahn, University of Pennsylvania
Molecular Genetics Colloquium Series: University College, Rm. UC 161
Speaker: Dr. Mark L. Kahn
Institution: University of Pennsylvania
Title: Mechanism of the human birth defect omphalocele
Date: Monday, February 24th, 2025
Time: 4:10 PM EST * Please note the new start time to allow for the preceding class to depart
Host: Dr. Brent Derry
Location: University College RM 161
Abstract: During embryonic development the gut herniates into the umbilical cord to grow and rotate. It is then re-inserted into the abdomen as the abdominal wall closes around the umbilical cord. How these processes take place has not been understood, but failure leads to a human birth defect known as omphalocele. Omphalocele affects 1/3000 newborns, has a 50% perinatal lethality and is associated with significant cardiopulmonary defects. We have used new mouse genetic tools to understand this process and determine the basis of the birth defect.
Host: Brent Derry