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Brent Derry
Molecular Genetics

SickKids - Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning
686 Bay Street, 15.9706, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 0A4
Research Interests
C. elegans, Cancer, CRISPR-Cas9 and genome engineering, Developmental biology, Epigenetics and epigenomics, Functional genomics and systems biology, Gene regulation and expression, Genome analysis and sequencing, Imaging and microscopy, Microbiome, Protein-protein, DNA-protein, and RNA-protein interactions, Proteomics and proteins, Rare diseases, Signalling, Translation and post-transcriptional regulation
We are interested in understanding the mechanisms by which cells communicate with each other and how signalling pathways are fine-tuned to ensure the robustness of cell fate specification during organ development. We employ the powerful genetics, cell biology and proteomics tools of the nematode worm C. elegans and human cells to achieve these goals. My lab also has a strong focus on developing models of rare human diseases, such as cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM) and paediatric cancers. Our long-term goal is to harness this fundamental knowledge to develop non-invasive therapies for CCM and cancer patients.
Courses taught
- MGY350
- Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Animal Models of Human Disease
- Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Program, The Hospital for Sick Children